Energizing water with mantras is a practice that involves using powerful positive affirmations or sacred words to imbue water with a specific energy or vibration. The idea is that by reciting a mantra or affirmation over a glass of water, you can transfer the energy of the words into the water, making it more beneficial for your health and well-being. Expanding the answer to how do you energise water with mantras?
Proponents of this practice argue that by energizing water with mantras, you can increase the water’s ability to hydrate the body, improve its taste, and even help to detoxify the body. In addition, it is believed that energizing water with mantras can help to bring a sense of peace and balance to the body and mind.
Energizing water with mantras can be done in a few different ways. One popular method is to hold a glass of water in your hand and recite a mantra or affirmation out loud, such as “I am healthy” or “I am strong,” for several minutes. Another method is to place a glass of water near a source of positive energy, such as a crystal or a plant, and recite a mantra or affirmation. Find more structured water questions similar to “how do you energise water with mantras” here!.
In conclusion, energizing water with mantras is a practice that involves using powerful positive affirmations or sacred words to imbue water with a specific energy or vibration. Proponents of this practice argue that by energizing water with mantras, you can increase the water’s ability to hydrate the body, improve its taste, and even help to detoxify the body.
It can be done by holding a glass of water in your hand and reciting a mantra or affirmation out loud, or placing a glass of water near a source of positive energy, such as a crystal or a plant, and recite a mantra or affirmation.
However, it’s always advisable to consult with a professional before making any significant changes to your water consumption or any other application you might have in mind. Here is another faq – what is gel water?